Monday, March 19, 2007

From the Spiral...

Beyond Voices.
Heart beat.
Anger and joy

Ultravocal is a novel published by a Haitian writer named Franketienne during the years of the Duvalier's oppressive regime.
One of the narrators declared that to think is to talk to the self.Therefore, dictatorship or not, none could reduce him to soundlesness as long as he has a heart beat.

Ultravocal defines the deafening big bang and the imperceptible murmur of nothingness or just the act of thinking about thinking.
Ultravocal is the sound of space in time. Sometimes Harmonious. Sometimes cacophonous.
Ultravocal expresses anger at a world on the brinks of insanity and rejoices in the company of those who collaborate for radical and meaningful changes.
Ultravocal is technology. Always seeking the improvement of the fellow homo sapiens of this planet and beyond.

Ultravocal. Beyond Voices. In Spiral.

Ultravocal invites you to share your thoughts on Education and the Arts.

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